What is Your Document Prep?

YOUR DOCUMENT PREP is not a law firm. It’s a Legal Document Preparation Service that offers assistance to people representing themselves (“pro se litigants”) by preparing necessary documents per court rules.

Some of our services include :

1) Preparing Divorce Paperwork
2) Paternity Paperwork
3) Florida Family Adoptions

4) Estate Planning
5) Post-Conviction Services
6) Notary Public

Document preparation services are not meant to replace an attorney.

Rather, this type of service is a supplement to the do-it-yourself processes; when you are looking for document preparation services you can trust.


What is a Document Preparation Service?

Any legal document, from Divorce paperwork to a Last Will and Testament, has detailed requirements to which those whom file must adhere. If any of these documents are prepared incorrectly without the required attention to detail, it could lead to unintended results. Many people choose to use a document preparation service to assist in getting the proper paperwork filled out and filed. This process saves you time, stress, and money.

Document preparation services are not meant to replace an attorney.

Document preparation services, such as those offered by us, do not provide legal advice; however, we ensure that your documents are accurately prepared and will be accepted by the court.

Why Should I Use a Document Preparation Service?

There are two options when preparing legal documents;
1) Hiring an attorney
2) The “do it yourself” approach

Hiring an attorney, even for a small service, can be expensive.
Some lawyers charge several hundred dollars an hour to complete forms.

In addition, attorneys often work on busy schedules, which means that you may not get your documents when you need them. Due to the expense and time involved in hiring a lawyer, some decide to take the “do-it-yourself” approach where they represent themselves in getting the appropriate documents filled out and filed. Your Document Prep, brings the attention to detail you expect and deserve with all your document preparation needs.



Simplified Divorce with no children or property where the couple is in agreement

If you and your spouse have no children and no property together and both agree


Divorce – With Dependent or Minor Children and Property

A divorce petition to include children and property, requires more steps than a simplified dissolution of marriage.


Divorce – With Dependent or Minor Children and NO Property

A divorce petition to include children, requires more steps than a simplified dissolution of marriage.




Misty Ritch worked in education for more than 25 years as a teacher, school administrator, and eventually as a Regional Director. This career kept her extremely busy. When she realized that her marriage of 26 years was over, she turned to someone to help her complete and file her divorce paperwork.